The Sport Activities and Ideas of Jang Gwon, an Athlete That Defected to North Korea 월북 체육인 장권의 체육활동과 사상
56(2) 1-14, 2017
The Sport Activities and Ideas of Jang Gwon, an Athlete That Defected to North Korea 월북 체육인 장권의 체육활동과 사상
This study set out to restore the sport activities of Jang Gwon, an athlete that defected to North Korea and was thus not assessed properly in the sport history of Korea, and examine his impacts on the sport history of Korea during the Japanese rule and the early days of Liberation. The findings were as follows: first, Jang Gwon played leading roles in the spread of all kinds of modern sport games including judo, wrestling, gymnastics, and basketball and in the foundation of their associations. Secondly, he gathered together athletes and formed a public peace organization for the foundation of the country to take care of public order and security right after Liberation, establishing the Joseon Basketball Association, and taking the initiative in the reestablishment of Seoul Health and Gymnastics Group. Finally, he insisted on a theory of competence cultivation to resist against the Japanese empire through strenuous efforts during the Japanese rule and developed his activities at the Boys' Scouting Party and Fraternity for the Promotion of Industries in addition to nationalistic sport activities. Right after Liberation, he developed an integration movement between the right and left wing as a moderate. Being pushed out of power by the US army military government and right wing force, he eventually defected to North Korea in 1948.
Key Words
장권, 유도, YMCA, 월북, 민족자강, Jang Gwon, judo, ymca, defect to North Korea, national strenuous efforts
The Change of the Artistic Programme of Olympic Opening Ceremony 올림픽 개막식의 구성과 예술프로그램의 변천과정
김지윤KimJiyun , 나영일NaYoung-il
56(2) 15-27, 2017
The Change of the Artistic Programme of Olympic Opening Ceremony 올림픽 개막식의 구성과 예술프로그램의 변천과정
김지윤KimJiyun , 나영일NaYoung-il
The purpose of this study is to explore the evolution of the 'Artistic Programme' which is a creative performance of the Opening Ceremony that informs the beginning of the Olympic Games and the arts and culture included in it. From 1908 to 1932, when the Opening Ceremony began, parades, choruses, and marching bands appeared but could not be seen as artistic programme. In 1936 Berlin Olympic, 'Festival Play', composed of group gymnastics and modern dance, emerged as an artistic programme. At the 1980 Moscow Olympics, ‘Artistic Programme’ words appeared and look similar to the current format. Since 2000, it has changed into a technology show that shows broadcasting and cutting-edge technology, and emphasizes cinematic directing. Through these changes, the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games has evolved into a creative performance combining art culture and sports.
Key Words
올림픽 개막식, 예술프로그램, 무용, Olympic, Opening Ceremony, Artistic Programme, Dance
The Aspect of Walking in the Travel Literature of the Joseon Dynasty - Focusing on Slow Walking Type in the Travel Poetry Expressions - 조선시대 유람 기록에 나타난 걷기의 양상 - 유람시문의 체험기술에서 ‘정적(靜的) 걷기’를 중심으로 -
56(2) 29-45, 2017
The Aspect of Walking in the Travel Literature of the Joseon Dynasty - Focusing on Slow Walking Type in the Travel Poetry Expressions - 조선시대 유람 기록에 나타난 걷기의 양상 - 유람시문의 체험기술에서 ‘정적(靜的) 걷기’를 중심으로 -
This paper considers the experience of walking in travels of the Joseon Dynasty. In this paper, the walking as the fundamental human life activity is examined in a comprehensive view including the human body, environment, and time. For this purpose, this study has explored what kind of terminology is expressed for walking, and searched for what it means to have a walk experience and how it was experienced in a walk in the Joseon Dynasty. The method of study was conducted through the search, synthesis, and analysis of the travel literature of the Joseon Dynasty period, focusing on slow walking type in the travel poetry expressions. The characteristic aspects of the walking experience during the Joseon Dynasty travels were as follows. First, the slow walking experience of the Joseon Dynasty was the aspect of walking in ‘search of calmness in motion(動中靜)’. Second, the expressions of slow walking experience arranged in order of frequency of use were Baehoe(徘徊), Soyo(逍遙), Banghwang(彷徨), Sanbo(散步), Bangrang(放浪), Sanchaeck(散策), Bangyang(彷徉), Yubo(遊步), etc. Third, the overall characteristic of slow walking was the aspect of walking toward ‘the body of nature' which is to breathe and enjoy in nature and to assimilate to the movement of nature.
Key Words
걷기체험, 정적, 靜的, 걷기, 동중정, 動中靜, 자연의 몸, walking experience, slow walking, ‘search of calmness in motion', the body of nature
Relationship between High School Students' Social Capital Participating in The Basketball Competition and Participation Continuance Intention as well as Participation Satisfaction 농구대회 참여 고등학생의 사회적 자본과 참여만족 및 참여 지속의도와의 관계
56(2) 47-62, 2017
Relationship between High School Students' Social Capital Participating in The Basketball Competition and Participation Continuance Intention as well as Participation Satisfaction 농구대회 참여 고등학생의 사회적 자본과 참여만족 및 참여 지속의도와의 관계
This study is to examine the relationship on the social capital of high school students, the participation satisfaction, and the participation continuance intention. It aims to analyze the relationship between high school students' social capital participating in the basketball competition and the participation continuance intention as well as participation satisfaction for 280 high school students participating in the 17th KyoMoon school student basketball competition by the education culture center of P Metropolitan City. To achieve the purpose of this study, it drew the following conclusion by using SPSS Win 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 statistics program. First, the difference of social capital according to the number of participation in the basketball competition showed significant difference in trust. In the number of basketball participation, there was significant difference in the shared norms. In the basketball participation time, There was meaningful difference in trust. Second, in the social capital, trust and human relationship has influenced the psychological satisfaction of the participation satisfaction but the shared norm doesn't have influenced the psychological satisfaction. Also the trust of the social capital, the shared norms, and the human relationships have influenced the social satisfaction of the participation satisfaction. Third, the trust of the social capital has influenced the participation continuance intention but the shared norm and the human relationship don't have influenced the participation continuance intention. Fourth, both the psychological satisfaction and the social satisfaction of high school students' basketball competitions participation satisfaction have influenced the participation continuance intention. Therefore, this study was found out the fact that the social capital of the high school students participating in the basketball competitions have an influence on the participation satisfaction so it has a positive influence on that high school students take part in the basketball competitions constantly.
Key Words
사회적 자본, 참여만족, 참여지속의도, 농구경기, Social capital, Participation satisfaction, Participation continuance intention, Basketball competition
Study on the Relationships between Perceptions and Patterns of Consumption in Sports Sub-groups 스포츠하위집단의 소비인식과 소비유형 관계 연구
이완영LeeWanyoung , 조성식ChoSeongsik
56(2) 63-76, 2017
Study on the Relationships between Perceptions and Patterns of Consumption in Sports Sub-groups 스포츠하위집단의 소비인식과 소비유형 관계 연구
이완영LeeWanyoung , 조성식ChoSeongsik
This research was conducted to analyze the tendency of baseball, cycling, golf and hiking club members activity participants’ tendency on sports goods consumption in a multi-dimensional perspective. To achieve this, 485 copies were used for final analysis, and the results were concluded as follows. First, among differences in awareness towards active consumption, in ostentatious consumption awareness, there is a difference depends on an educational background and a frequency of participation on sports activities and in discriminative consumption awareness, there is a difference depends on family income. Secondly, in surveillant consumption awareness among awareness towards passive consumption, there is a difference depends on sex, family income and frequency of participation on sports activities and in alienated consumption awareness, there is a difference depends on family income and frequency of participation on sports activities. Thirdly, in individuality consumption awareness among differences in awareness towards consumption type, there is a difference depends on an family income, a game of sports and a frequency of participation on sports activities and in coordinated consumption awareness, there is a difference depends on sex, family income and a frequency of participation on sports activities. Fourth, the effect active and passive consumption awareness of sports participating groups have on consumption types was analyzed. In individuality-based consumption, discriminative consumption awareness and alienated consumption awareness had positive (+) influences, and in coordinated consumption awareness, ostentatious, discriminative and surveillant consumption awareness showed positive (+) influences.
Athlete-coach Interaction, Empathy Experience, and Relationship Satisfaction Perceived by Student Athletes on Social Networking Services and Structure of the Offline Athlete-coach Relationship 소셜 네트워킹 서비스(SNS)에서 학생선수의 지각된 선수-지도자 상호작용, 공감경험, 관계만족 및 오프라인 선수-지도자 관계의 구조
강신녀KangSin-nyeo , 전정우JeonJeong-woo
56(2) 77-100, 2017
Athlete-coach Interaction, Empathy Experience, and Relationship Satisfaction Perceived by Student Athletes on Social Networking Services and Structure of the Offline Athlete-coach Relationship 소셜 네트워킹 서비스(SNS)에서 학생선수의 지각된 선수-지도자 상호작용, 공감경험, 관계만족 및 오프라인 선수-지도자 관계의 구조
강신녀KangSin-nyeo , 전정우JeonJeong-woo
This study has sought to observe the usage of SNSs by middle school, high school, and college student athletes and, from these observations, to empirically examine the athlete-coach interaction, empathy experience, and relationship satisfaction perceived by student athletes on SNSs and the structure of the offline athlete-coach relationship. For this purpose, 2,000 student athletes who used SNSs and belonged to varsity teams at middle schools, high schools, and colleges in Korea were selected through convenience sampling. Among those surveyed, 211 insincere survey responses, including duplicate and missing entries, were excluded; data from a total of 1,789 participant surveys were used in the analysis. SPSS 21.0ver and AMOS 18.0ver statistical programs were used to analyze the final validity sample. Frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model analysis, and the following conclusions were drawn based on the results of the data analysis. In an SNS communication between a student athlete and a coach, when the athlete perceives the interaction with the coach to be positive, the level of empathy experience with the coach may rise, the level of relationship satisfaction with the coach on the SNS may rise, the athlete may also perceive the offline athlete-coach relationship positively. And in an SNS communication between a student athlete and a coach, when the athlete perceives the empathy experience with the coach to be positive, the level of relationship satisfaction with the coach on the SNS may rise, the offline athlete-coach relationship positively. Lastly, in an SNS communication between a student athlete and a coach, when the athlete’s relationship satisfaction level is high, the athlete may perceive the offline athlete-coach relationship positively.
Key Words
소셜 네트워킹 서비스, 상호작용, 공감경험, 관계만족, 선수-지도자 관계, social networking service, interaction, empathy experience, relationship satisfaction, athlete-coach relationship
Comparative Analysis of Remediation Communication of Portal News Service: 2016 Rio Olympic of < Naver > and < Daum > 포털 뉴스 서비스의 재매개 커뮤니케이션 비교분석: <네이버>와 <다음>의 2016 리우올림픽
김용은KimYong-eun , 최예림ChoiYe-lim
56(2) 101-114, 2017
Comparative Analysis of Remediation Communication of Portal News Service: 2016 Rio Olympic of < Naver > and < Daum > 포털 뉴스 서비스의 재매개 커뮤니케이션 비교분석: <네이버>와 <다음>의 2016 리우올림픽
김용은KimYong-eun , 최예림ChoiYe-lim
This study compared and analyzed the articles of < Naver > and < Daum >, which are representative portal sites in Korea, for the 2016 Rio Olympics. And to discuss portal journalism on the value judgment of news. To this end, from August 6 to 22, 2016 (Korea standard), < Naver > and < Daum > were surveyed the 2016 Rio Olympics articles on the site's main page. Specifically, 2,012 articles were used for the final analysis, including 797 < Naver > and 1,215 < Daum >. The analytical nomad used in this study consisted largely of the formal and intrinsic attributes of the article, and the nomad used by Ko Young-chul (2012) was reconstructed to suit the research purpose. In addition, reliability of coder was measured by Holsti (1969) reliability coefficient for each item, which was 10% of the subjects. As a result, .89 was ensured. Data were analyzed using frequency and chi-square test using SPSS 21.0 program. The results are as follows. First, among the formal attributes of the Olympic articles, the articles' article title, reported attitude, and lead predicate expression form showed statistically significant difference between < Naver > and < Daum >. Second, it is found that there is a statistically significant difference between < Naver > and < Daum > among the content attributes of Olympic articles.
Key Words
포털사이트, 뉴스 서비스, 재매개, 네이버, 다음, 리우올림픽, portal site, news service, remediation, naver, daum, rio olympic
The Effects of School Sport Club Participation on School Adaptation in Students from Multicultural Families 다문화가정 학생들의 학교스포츠클럽 참여에 따른 학교생활적응경험
이근모LeeKeun-mo , 최동일ChoiDong-i
56(2) 115-124, 2017
The Effects of School Sport Club Participation on School Adaptation in Students from Multicultural Families 다문화가정 학생들의 학교스포츠클럽 참여에 따른 학교생활적응경험
이근모LeeKeun-mo , 최동일ChoiDong-i
The purpose of this study was to elicit the implications of students from multicultural families participating in school sport clubs and examine the influence of multicultural students’ participation and experience of school sport club competitions in adapting to school life. In order to address the goal, qualitative research was conducted. Participants in the study were the students who had returned from overseas and multicultural students enrolled in G Elementary School in Busan City Board of Education from 2013 to 2016. Also, text analysis was implemented on the data obtained from the observation of their participation, in-depth interviews, and collection of relevant data. In order to obtain the feasibility and reliability as well as genuineness of data, continuous discussions were held with an advising professor, two qualitative doctorate holders, and two graduate students in a doctorate program. The results of this study are written as follows. First, most of the students from multicultural families are facing difficulties in school adaptation on account of their different appearance and skin color, different culture, and different language. Second, multicultural students participating in school sport club activity came to be more confident about school adaptation, became more capable of setting up their own goals. Third, multicultural students who succeeded in school adaptation with their confidence gained from school sport club participation showed changes like starting to eat Korean food or go to a public bath with friends which they had refused and led their school life more actively.
Key Words
다문화 학생, 학교스포츠클럽, 학교생활적응, multicultural student, school sport club, school adaptation
Relationships Between Perceived Stress, Burnout and Psychological Well-being of Athletes: Testing of Moderated Mediation Effect of Ego-Resilience 운동선수들의 스트레스, 운동탈진 및 심리적 행복의 관계: 자아탄력성의 조절된 매개효과 검증
백혜경Hye-kyungBeak , 양명환Myung-hwanYang
56(2) 125-143, 2017
Relationships Between Perceived Stress, Burnout and Psychological Well-being of Athletes: Testing of Moderated Mediation Effect of Ego-Resilience 운동선수들의 스트레스, 운동탈진 및 심리적 행복의 관계: 자아탄력성의 조절된 매개효과 검증
백혜경Hye-kyungBeak , 양명환Myung-hwanYang
The purpose of the this study was to examine the effect of perceived stress on psychological well-bing among elite athletes, and whether these relationships are mediated through athlete burnout(emotional/physical exhaustion, sport devaluation, a reduced sense of athletic accomplishment) and whether magnitude of this indirect relationship is dependent upon levels of ego-resilience. Participant were 209 elite athletes and they completed stress, athlete burnout, psychological well-being, and ego-resilience scales. Results were as follows. First, a significant negative relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being was supported by only a reduced sense of athletic accomplishment model. Second, the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being was fully mediated by emotional/physical exhaustion and sport devaluation, and a reduced sense of athletic accomplishment partially mediated the relationship. Third, the indirect effect between stress and psychological well-being through emotional/physical exhaustion was moderated by levels of ego-resilience(conditional indirect effect). Thus, the magnitude of this indirect relationship was lower when levels of ego-resilience are high.
Grounded in Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000), we examined the relationship between teacher teaching styles (autonomy-supportive teaching versus controlling teaching) and academic motivation in physical education(PE). Regard to this concern, we explored influences of student academic motivation-i.e., self-determined motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation on teacher teaching styles-i.e., autonomy supportive and controlling teaching. Students (N=489) from middle and high schools in Seoul and Kyoungi-do, South Korea participated in this study, and they completed the questionnaire. Correlation and regression analyses found that student self-determined motivation (intrinsic motivation and identified regulation) positively predicted the teacher autonomy-supportive teaching style and negatively the teacher controlling teaching style, while student controlled motivation (introjected regulation and external regulation) and amotivation predicted teacher controlling teaching style and negatively teacher autonomy-supportive teaching style. The results demonstrated that student self-determined motivation are a stronger predictor of teacher autonomy-supportive teaching style than did student controlled motivation and amotivation, whereas student controlled motivation and amotivation are stronger predictors of teacher controlling teaching style than did student self-determined motivation in PE context. In conclusion, student academic motivation plays a significant role toward teacher teaching styles that teacher adopts in his or her PE class.
The Effect of Self-affirmation on Exercise Intention and Acceptance of Health Message of Teenage Schoolgirls 초·중학교 여학생의 자기가치확인이 건강운동 기사동의도와 운동의도에 미치는 영향
신명진ShinMyougnjin , 문민권MoonMinkwon
56(2) 161-170, 2017
The Effect of Self-affirmation on Exercise Intention and Acceptance of Health Message of Teenage Schoolgirls 초·중학교 여학생의 자기가치확인이 건강운동 기사동의도와 운동의도에 미치는 영향
신명진ShinMyougnjin , 문민권MoonMinkwon
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of self-affirmation on exercise intention of teenage schoolgirls, targeting total 100 schoolgirls(50 students of each 13 and 14 year-old girls). The experimental group(50) manipulated self-affirmation with a writing task while the control group(50) wrote about their weekend. In the results of the study, regardless of the matter of self-affirmation, participants in physical activity showed the similar acceptance of positive health message. Non-participants in physical activity of the self-affirmation group showed higher acceptance of positive health message than non-participants in physical activity of the non-self-affirmation group. Also, after the self-affirmation of non-participants in physical activity, their exercise intention was increased compared to non-participants in physical activity without self-affirmation.
The Relationships between Self-Management Behavior, Training Flow, and Perceived Performance of College Golf Athletes 대학 골프선수들의 자기관리행동, 훈련 몰입 그리고 인지된 경기력 간의 구조적 관계
박성진ParkSung-jin , 범철호BumChul-ho
56(2) 171-185, 2017
The Relationships between Self-Management Behavior, Training Flow, and Perceived Performance of College Golf Athletes 대학 골프선수들의 자기관리행동, 훈련 몰입 그리고 인지된 경기력 간의 구조적 관계
박성진ParkSung-jin , 범철호BumChul-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-management behavior, training flow, and perceived performance of college golf athletes. Using SPSS 23.0 version and AMOS 23.0 version of statistical program, 178 questionnaires are analyzed, and the results are as follows. First, training management and body management affected training flow positively. Other sub-factors were not statistically significant in this study. Second, mental management, training management, and body management affected perceived performance positively. However, interpersonal management was not statistically significant. Third, there was a positive relationship between training flow and perceived performance. Finally, there was an indirect effect on the relationship between training management and body management, and perceived performance mediated by training flow.
Key Words
자기관리행동, 훈련 몰입, 인지된 경기력, 대학 골프선수들, self-management behavior, training flow, perceived performance, college golf athletes
The Complexity of Centerf Pressure and the Weight Distribution on the Feet as a Function of Skill Level in the Pistol Aiming Task 사격 조준 과제 시 숙련성에 따른 압력중심의 복잡성과 양 발의 체중 부하 비교
고지현KoJi-hyun , 한동욱HanDong-wook
56(2) 187-195, 2017
The Complexity of Centerf Pressure and the Weight Distribution on the Feet as a Function of Skill Level in the Pistol Aiming Task 사격 조준 과제 시 숙련성에 따른 압력중심의 복잡성과 양 발의 체중 부하 비교
고지현KoJi-hyun , 한동욱HanDong-wook
The purpose of this study is to clarify the difference between the expert and novice by analyzing the complexity of center of pressure (COP) and the body weight load ratio during the postural control in the pistol aiming task. 16 healthy young adults were assigned to the expert (n=8) and novice (n=8) groups, respectively, according to the experience of air pistol shooting. For the aiming task, the participants stepped over the force plate and grabbed the air pistol with a reflective marker on the barrel, and aimed the pistol as accurately as possible at the target center attached 10m away for 30 sec. Results showed that the ellipse area of the pistol and COP was less in the expert than in the novice group. The Fz ratio was less than 1 for the expert but higher than 1 for the novice. The spectral slope of the COP was smaller for the expert than for the novice group. The findings suggested that the spectral analysis and Fz ratio which have not been considered in previous studies revealed that there is a different control process in the postural control between the expert and novice group.
Key Words
사격 조준, 자세, 스펙트럼 분석, 지면반력 비율, pistol aiming, posture, spectral analysis, Fz ratio
A Longitudinal Study on Athletic Performance Level, Hope, and Career Decision Making Self Efficacy among Non-popularized Elite Student-athletes 비인기종목 학생선수의 운동수준과 희망, 진로결정 자기효능감에 대한 추적연구
박세윤ParkSeyun , 윤대현YunDaehyun , 정용철ChungYoungchul
56(2) 197-207, 2017
A Longitudinal Study on Athletic Performance Level, Hope, and Career Decision Making Self Efficacy among Non-popularized Elite Student-athletes 비인기종목 학생선수의 운동수준과 희망, 진로결정 자기효능감에 대한 추적연구
박세윤ParkSeyun , 윤대현YunDaehyun , 정용철ChungYoungchul
This study followed a group of non-popularized high school elite athletes for a year and explored hope and self efficacy on career according to the level of athletic performance. A total of fourteen (14) track and field student-athletes from three (3) different sports-specialized high schools were recruited and collected data three times (pre, during, and post-season) using the Snyder’s Trait Hope Scale (Snyder, 2002) and Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale (Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996). Fourteen participants completed all three phases of data collection and were interviewed. The results revealed that those with superior athletic performance maintained higher hope level compared to those who were inferior in performance. However, the career decision making self efficacy was even lower among the athletically superior group. This suggested that the high school elite athletes with superior performance level might not possess superior ability to navigate future career after their retirement. Similar patterns were evident during the follow up one-on-one interview. In conclusion, those with lower athletic performance considered diverse career alternatives after retirement compared to those with superior athletic performance.
The Effects of Physical Activity and Time Perspective on School Adjustment of High School Students 고등학생들의 신체활동과 시간에 대한 관점이 학교적응에 미치는 영향
56(2) 209-223, 2017
The Effects of Physical Activity and Time Perspective on School Adjustment of High School Students 고등학생들의 신체활동과 시간에 대한 관점이 학교적응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the high school students’ physical activity and time perspective on their school adjustment. 250 high-school students responded on questionnaires consisting of physical activity, time perspective and school adjustment. Convenience sampling method and the data from 234 questionnaires were used. Based on the collected data, descriptive statistics were produced and the data were analyzed using ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows; First, there were significant differences in all the sub-factors of school adjustment between physically active students and physically nonactive students and physical activity made a significant impact on the observance of school order and rules and mutual help and positive relationship among friends. On the other hand, physical activity didn’t make a significant impact on a teacher factor, a sub-factor of school adjustment, and a study factor related to grades. Second, school adjustment showed significant differences according to sub-factors of time perspective, and especially future-oriented time perspective, past positive perspective, and past negative perspective made an essential effect on school adjustment. The role of physical activity and time perspective on school adjustment was discussed based on the results and considerations of the dynamics of present perspective are suggested for the following studies.
Key Words
신체활동, 시간에 대한 관점, 학교적응, Physical Activity, Time Perspective, School Adjustment
My Life, Teaching and Learning, and Academia: An Autoethnography of a Korean Physical Education Assistant Professor’s Academic Identity Development in United States 나의 삶과 교육, 그리고 학문: 재미한인 체육교육 전공 초임 교수의 학문적 정체성 형성에 대한 자문화기술지
56(2) 225-241, 2017
My Life, Teaching and Learning, and Academia: An Autoethnography of a Korean Physical Education Assistant Professor’s Academic Identity Development in United States 나의 삶과 교육, 그리고 학문: 재미한인 체육교육 전공 초임 교수의 학문적 정체성 형성에 대한 자문화기술지
The purpose of this study was to reveal a Korean physical education assistant professor’s academic identity development in United States. The researcher as a research participant revealed his own lived experience regarding teaching and learning and research in South Korea and United States from 2002 to 2016 using autoethnography. The annual critical case and research reflection notes were generated from the various data including class assignments, research notes, and self-observation notes. Data were analyzed using domain, taxonomic, and constant comparative analysis. The result showed four categories: 1) Undergraduate school period(2002-2006): Development of critical thinking skills, 2) Master degree period(2006-2009): Development of intellectual curiosity about academia, 3) Doctoral degree period(2009-2013): Internalization of Western academia through trial and error in academic training, and 4) Assistant professor period(2013-2016): An effort to publish research for a survival and an identity crisis as an international scholar. Grounded on the occupational socialization theory, four themes were emerged: ‘academic identity exploration’, ‘academic pursuit for a better society’, ‘internalization of Western academia’, and ‘academic uncertainty and identity crisis’.
Key Words
초임교수, 체육교육, 학문적 정체성, 자문화기술지, international assistant professor, academic identity development, autoethnography, physical education, teaching and learning
Exploring Preliminary Teachers’ Competence through Overseas Educational Service Program and Teaching Practice in Korean Middle School as Pre-Service Physical Education Teacher Education 해외 교육봉사와 국내 학교현장실습(교생실습)을 통한 예비 체육교사의 역량 탐색
56(2) 243-257, 2017
Exploring Preliminary Teachers’ Competence through Overseas Educational Service Program and Teaching Practice in Korean Middle School as Pre-Service Physical Education Teacher Education 해외 교육봉사와 국내 학교현장실습(교생실습)을 통한 예비 체육교사의 역량 탐색
The purpose of this study was to explore Preliminary teachers’ competence through overseas educational service program and teaching practice in Korean middle or high school as pre-service physical education teacher education. As participants, there were two Preliminary Teachers who all performed in overseas educational service program and teaching practice in Korean middle or high school. The data was collected through online cafe and in-depth interview as qualitative research. To analyze the data, inductive category analysis was used. As a results, there were two part of competence which preliminary teachers improved through overseas educational service program and teaching practice in Korean middle or high school. First, the common competence which was improved during two practical performances included class competence, human relationship competence, and psychological competence. The particular competence included language competence and multi-culture competence through overseas educational service program, in addition class management competence and humanity guidance competence through teaching practice in Korean middle or high school.
A Study on Implementation of Sport Pedagogy Subject for the Sports Coaching Qualification System 체육지도자 자격 검정 「스포츠교육학」과목에 대한 인식
김선희KimSun-hee , 김진희KimJin-hee
56(2) 259-270, 2017
A Study on Implementation of Sport Pedagogy Subject for the Sports Coaching Qualification System 체육지도자 자격 검정 「스포츠교육학」과목에 대한 인식
김선희KimSun-hee , 김진희KimJin-hee
The purpose of this study is to review implementation of sport pedagogy subject in the national sports coaching certificate examination since 2015. In order to analyze an examination question of sport pedagogy subject and draw direction for the sport coaching certificate. 595 research participants were selected by convenience sampling. Data was collect through questionnaires with current problem and future direction of sport pedagogy subject in national qualification. The problem of qualification standard were a three way classification into the quality of education, focusing on school physical education in contents knowledge. We need to break away from common content knowledge and school physical education of sport pedagogy by a job analysis for sport pedagogy subject in national sports coaching certificate system.
Key Words
스포츠코치, 체육지도자자격 검정, 스포츠교육학, 스포츠교육, sports coach, national qualification exam, sport pedagogy, sport education
A Study on the Development of Student Athletes’ Core Competencies Assessment Tool 학생선수 핵심역량 진단 검사지 개발
차은주ChaEun-joo , 손환SonHwan
56(2) 271-288, 2017
A Study on the Development of Student Athletes’ Core Competencies Assessment Tool 학생선수 핵심역량 진단 검사지 개발
차은주ChaEun-joo , 손환SonHwan
This paper aims to develop the student athletes’core competencies assessment tool. To achieve this, based on precedent studies, this study identified the factor structure of student athletes’ core competencies and developed 102 initial questions through expert group meeting. It also conducted a content validity verification of the questions mentioned above in 14 experts and middle and high school student athletes and selected 85 preliminary questions. To draw the final questions, it conducted a survey of 626 student athletes at middle and high schools in Seoul. Among which, it conducted an exploratory factor analysis of 322 subjects who were assigned to wireless case selection and selected 60 questions. It also conducted a confirmatory factor analysis of the remaining 304 subjects and secured validity. It appeared that there were three personal domains and eight subfactors and that there were three social domains and nine subfactors. The Student Athletes’Core Competencies Assessment Tool developed through this procedure has secured its validity and is expected to be used as a tool to determine the achievement of middle and high school student athletes and support to improve their ability.
An Analysis on The Verbal Interaction of Advanced Physical Education Teachers in Middle School 중학교 우수체육교사의 수업 중 언어상호작용 분석
곽은창KwakEun-chang , 주병하JooByung-ha , 배기범BaeKi-bum
56(2) 289-301, 2017
An Analysis on The Verbal Interaction of Advanced Physical Education Teachers in Middle School 중학교 우수체육교사의 수업 중 언어상호작용 분석
곽은창KwakEun-chang , 주병하JooByung-ha , 배기범BaeKi-bum
This study aims to analyze the status of verbal interaction in the classroom, which is used by advanced physical education teachers. The subject of the study was three advanced physical education teachers who participated in the good teacher competition. The data collection was executed and used by each teacher in 20 times to video-record each teacher's lesson scenes. Data analysis was analyzed and supervised by the Flanders' verbal interaction analysis criteria. The authenticity of the data was obtained through expert meetings and reliability between observers. First, as a result of studies, teachers mainly use explicit language. Second, the ratio of students' comments was low and generally led to teacher led classes by teacher unilaterally speaking. In conclusion, teachers should often provide opportunities for students to speak. Also, it is necessary to reflect the teaching patterns of teachers when selecting a physical education teacher. This study could be used to teach teachers language interactions through specific concrete and objective observation patterns, and will be used as a basis for improving the language behavior of teachers.
Social Big Data-based Co-occurrence Analysis of the Main Person’s Characteristics and the Issues in the 2016 Rio Olympics Men’s Soccer Games 소셜 빅데이터 기반 2016리우올림픽 축구 관련 이슈 및 인물에 대한 연관단어 분석
Social Big Data-based Co-occurrence Analysis of the Main Person’s Characteristics and the Issues in the 2016 Rio Olympics Men’s Soccer Games 소셜 빅데이터 기반 2016리우올림픽 축구 관련 이슈 및 인물에 대한 연관단어 분석
This paper seeks to better understand the focal issues and persons related to Rio Olympic soccer games through social data science and analytics. This study collected its data from online news articles and comments specific to KOR during the Olympic football games. In order to investigate the public interests for each game and target persons, this study performed the co-occurrence words analysis. Then after, the study applied the NodeXL software to perform its visualization of the results. Through this application and process, the study found several major issues during the Rio Olympic men’s football game including the following: the match between KOR and PIJ, KOR player Heungmin Son, commentator Young-Pyo Lee, sportscaster Woo-Jong Jo. The study also showed the general public opinion expressed positive words towards the South Korean national football team during the Rio Olympics, though there existed negative words as well. Furthermore the study revealed positive attitude towards the commentators and casters. In conclusion, the way to increase the public's interest in big sporting events can be achieved by providing the following: contents that include various professional sports analysis, a capable domain expert with thorough preparation, a commentator and/or caster with artistic sense as well as well-spoken, explanatory power and so on. Multidisciplinary research combined with sports science, social science, information technology and media can contribute to a wide range of theoretical studies and practical developments within the sports industry.
Key Words
소셜 빅데이터, 리우올림픽, 해설위원 및 캐스터, 축구, 연관단어 분석, Social big data, Rio Olympics, Commentators & Casters, Soccer, Co-occurrence word analysis
Predicting Spectator Consumption Behavior in Professional Baseball through the Theory of Extended Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동이론을 통한 프로야구 관람소비자의 소비행동 예측
김동규KimDong-kyu , 한진욱HanJin-wook
56(2) 321-338, 2017
Predicting Spectator Consumption Behavior in Professional Baseball through the Theory of Extended Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동이론을 통한 프로야구 관람소비자의 소비행동 예측
김동규KimDong-kyu , 한진욱HanJin-wook
The purpose of this study was to predict spectator consumption behavior in professional baseball using the theory of extended planned behavior. Toward this end, a total of 330 respondents was selected using a convenient sampling method and responded to the survey questionnaire. 324 usable data were utilized in data analyses procedure. data were analyzed using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, attitude, perceived behavioral control had influences on the participation intentions, while subjective norms did not. Secondly, past experience and team identification of had influences on the participation intentions. Third, perceived behavioral control did not influences participation behavior. Fourthly, participation intention had influences on the participation behavior. Fifthly, participation intentions had influences on the participation continuance. Lastly participation behavior had influences on the participation continuance. Discussions and additional implications were also suggested.
Key Words
확장된 계획행동, 과거경험, 팀 동일시, 프로야구 관람 소비자, extended planned behavior, past experience, team identification, baseball consumer's behavior
Effects of a 6-Weeks Inspiratory Training on Upper and Lower Quarter Dynamic Balance, and Inspiratory Muscle Strength 6주 동안의 흡기근 훈련이 상·하지 동적 균형 능력과 흡기근력에 미치는 영향
최은진ChoiEun-jin , 전지현ChunJi-hyun , 홍정기HongJung-gi
56(2) 339-347, 2017
Effects of a 6-Weeks Inspiratory Training on Upper and Lower Quarter Dynamic Balance, and Inspiratory Muscle Strength 6주 동안의 흡기근 훈련이 상·하지 동적 균형 능력과 흡기근력에 미치는 영향
최은진ChoiEun-jin , 전지현ChunJi-hyun , 홍정기HongJung-gi
The primary purpose of the study was to analyze a 6-week of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on dynamic balance of upper quarter (UQ), lower quarter (LQ) and maximal inspiratory muscle strength, respectively. Twenty healthy subjects (171.3 ± 8.2 cm, 73.2 ± 11.4 kg, 25.7 ± 2.0 years) were randomly divided to inspiratory training group(TG) and control group(CG). The TG completed 30 IMT per day, 5 times per week for 6 weeks. Maximal inspiratory muscle strengh was measured by a sensor embedded breathing function analyzer. Dynamic balance was measured with Y balance test (YBT). The UQ dynamic balance of the TG was significantly improved after the intervention period (p<.05). The UQ dynamic balance increased by 81.80±10.09 to 95.36±8.91 after 6 weeks (p< .001) in TG. No significant improvement were shown for the LQ dynamic balance and inspiratory muscle strength(p >.05). IMT is quick and convenient way to improve breathing function, which is might improve the upper quarter stability.
Study on the Structural Relation among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Consumer Behavior Perceived by Customers of Golf Driving Range 골프연습장 이용자들의 서비스품질, 고객만족도, 고객충성도, 소비자행동 간의 구조적 관계
이달원LeeDal-won , 전병덕JeonByung-duk , 권기남KwonKi-nam
56(2) 349-361, 2017
Study on the Structural Relation among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Consumer Behavior Perceived by Customers of Golf Driving Range 골프연습장 이용자들의 서비스품질, 고객만족도, 고객충성도, 소비자행동 간의 구조적 관계
이달원LeeDal-won , 전병덕JeonByung-duk , 권기남KwonKi-nam
The purpose of this study is to find out structural relations among service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, and consumer behavior perceived by customers of golf driving range. As subjects, customers were selected out of 10 golf driving ranges located in D metropolitan city and 476 people in total, who were selected as valid samples by using convenient sampling, were taken into account in this study. The results analyzed with frequency analysis, factorial analysis, reliability, correlation analysis, structure equation modeling analysis using PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The results were as follow. Firstly, service quality had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Secondly, service quality had a significant impact on the customer loyalty, as well. Thirdly, customer satisfaction did not have a significant impact on customer loyalty. Fouthly, customer satisfaction had a significant impact consumer behavior. Lastly, customer loyalty had a significant on consumer behavior.
A Study on the Effects of Psychological Capital on Life Satisfaction and Psychological Happiness in the Elderly 생활체육참여 노인의 심리적자본이 생활만족과 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향 연구
유미경RyuMi-kyung , 이기표LeeKi-pyo
56(2) 363-376, 2017
A Study on the Effects of Psychological Capital on Life Satisfaction and Psychological Happiness in the Elderly 생활체육참여 노인의 심리적자본이 생활만족과 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향 연구
유미경RyuMi-kyung , 이기표LeeKi-pyo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among psychological capital, life satisfaction and psychological happiness of the elderly. This paper chose the elderly as population of this study who take part in sport for all using convenience sampling. 287 questionnaires were selected final valid sample and then data were analyzed through frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results were as follows: First, confidence, hope and resilience in psychological capital variables had a significant influence on life satisfaction. Second, hope and resilience in psychological capital variables had a significant influence on psychological happiness. Third, life satisfaction had a positive impact on psychological happiness. Forth, life satisfaction partially mediated between psychological capital and psychological happiness. According to the results of this study, psychological capital of the elderly could act as a driving force for enjoying sports, and psychological happiness of older people with strong psychological capital could be improved by participating in sports actively.
A Relationships among Professors' Servant Leadership, Self-Leadership, Creativity and Innovative Behavior Perceived by College Students of Physical Education Major 체육계열 대학생들이 지각하는 교수의 서번트 리더십과 셀프리더십, 창의성 및 혁신행동 간의 관계
이용건LeeYongGun , 석부길SeokBooGil , 주형철JooHyungChul
56(2) 377-392, 2017
A Relationships among Professors' Servant Leadership, Self-Leadership, Creativity and Innovative Behavior Perceived by College Students of Physical Education Major 체육계열 대학생들이 지각하는 교수의 서번트 리더십과 셀프리더십, 창의성 및 혁신행동 간의 관계
이용건LeeYongGun , 석부길SeokBooGil , 주형철JooHyungChul
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among professors' servant leadership, students' self-leadership, creativity and innovative behavior perceived by college students of physical education major. Subject of study consists of physical education major students of Y, K, B, and H-University in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, and Gangwon province. Total 250 questionnaires were distributed, although except 37 questionnaires, 213 questionnaires were collected. For data analysis PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for demographic analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structure equation modeling analysis. The results are as follow. First, servant leadership would have positive effect on self-leadership. Second, self-leadership would have positive effect on creativity. Third, self-leadership would have positive effect on innovative behavior. Fourth, creativity would have positive effect on innovative behavior. Therefore, in order to nurture PE major college students as more creative and talented personnel, servant leadership of the professors must carry out as well as doing their best for the students to develope own self-leadership bringing out creativity and innovative behavior.
The Effects of Leisure Sport Participation in the Middle-Aged on Family Strengths and Later Life Preparation Behavior 중년층의 여가스포츠참여유형이 가족건강성 및 노후준비행동에 미치는 영향
양재혁YangJae-hyuk , 김경렬KimKyung-ryur
56(2) 393-405, 2017
The Effects of Leisure Sport Participation in the Middle-Aged on Family Strengths and Later Life Preparation Behavior 중년층의 여가스포츠참여유형이 가족건강성 및 노후준비행동에 미치는 영향
양재혁YangJae-hyuk , 김경렬KimKyung-ryur
The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship among middle-aged leisure sport participation and its relation to successful aged life planning. Middle-aged leisure sport participation allows them to enjoy happy senescence of life for the healthy society. To solve the research question, the survey questionnaires were collected from 566 middle-aged men and women, who were aged between 40 and 60. The collected data was verified the validity and the reliability by encoding task. Correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis had been conducted the main findings were as follows; First, leisure education, family leisure, and spare time leisure of the leisure sport participation's sub factors positively influence on family healthiness, while entertainment leisure have negative influence on family healthiness. Second, leisure education, family friendship leisure, community leisure, and spare time leisure of the leisure sport participation's sub factors positively influence on preparation behaviors for the Old Age, while entertainment leisure have negative influence on. Third, family bond, family communication, family problem-solving ability, family value orientation of family healthiness' sub factors positively influence on preparation behaviors for the Old Age, while family value orientation have negative influence on emotional preparation.
Key Words
중년층, 여가스포츠참여, 노후준비, middle-aged, leisure sport participation, aged life planning, later life preparation behavior, Family Strengths
A study on the Effects of Leisure Recognition and Leisure Competence of the Middle-aged on Leisure Continuation 중년층의 여가인식 및 여가유능감이 여가지속에 미치는 영향
The study used 237 of the middle-aged cases who reside in the area of Seoul metropolitan region in order to identify the effects of Leisure Recognition and Leisure Competence on Leisure Continuation, and used convenience sampling as the sampling method. For data processing, exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency reliability analysis have been performed by using SPSS/PC 20.0 for Windows to simplify common factors of survey questions. Multiple linear regression analysis has also been performed as well. The results are as followed First, Leisure Recognition has positive effect on the Leisure Competence Second, the Leisure Recognition has positive effect on Leisure Continuation Lastly, it is also shown that Leisure Competence has positive effect on Leisure Continuation.
Difference in Leisure Satisfaction based on Interaction between Recreation Specialization and Conspicuous Leisure Consumption in Members of Bicycle Riding Clubs 자전거 동호인의 레크리에이션 전문화와 과시적여가소비의 상호작용에 따른 여가만족의 차이
황선환SunhwanHwang , 김송희SongheeKim
56(2) 419-428, 2017
Difference in Leisure Satisfaction based on Interaction between Recreation Specialization and Conspicuous Leisure Consumption in Members of Bicycle Riding Clubs 자전거 동호인의 레크리에이션 전문화와 과시적여가소비의 상호작용에 따른 여가만족의 차이
황선환SunhwanHwang , 김송희SongheeKim
The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference in leisure satisfaction based on interaction between recreation specialization and conspicuous leisure consumption in members of bicycle riding clubs. A total 393 club members were collected for the study and statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 23.0 version. The results were as follows: First, there was the difference in conspicuous leisure consumption based on the levels of recreation specialization in bicycle riding club members. Second, there was the difference in leisure satisfaction based on the levels of recreation specialization. Third, leisure satisfaction of high conspicuous leisure consumption group was higher than middle and low groups. Finally, there was no significant difference in leisure satisfaction based on interaction between recreation specialization and conspicuous leisure consumption in bicycle riding club members. However, leisure satisfaction of the group ranked high recreation specialization and low conspicuous leisure consumption was highest and it of the group ranked low recreation specialization and low conspicuous leisure consumption was lowest.
Mind Sports Application Plan for Gambling Addiction Prevention 도박중독 예방을 위한 마인드스포츠 적용 방안
56(2) 429-440, 2017
Mind Sports Application Plan for Gambling Addiction Prevention 도박중독 예방을 위한 마인드스포츠 적용 방안
The goal of this study is to make application plan using MindSports for gambling addiction prevention. This study used methods of documentary research on gambling addiction and MindSports games. From based on theoretical framework, the causes, characteristic, and stage of gambling addiction were explored and the contents connection between two were analysed. Diverse difficult level of board games qualified cognitive and emotional effects can be applied for preventing gambling addiction. Low level of Checker will be useful as healthy leisure culture for stress management and self-esteem increase in the first intervention. Bridge, is done with two people forming a team, will be social intervention for learning communication and interpersonal skills. Research show that Chess grow patience, self-reliance and flexible thinking and Go enhance the cognitive capability of brain, emotional stability and attention improvement. So Chess and Go with high flow degree will can be used effective short term program for problematic gamblers.
Key Words
마인드스포츠, 도박중독, 체스, 브리지, 바둑, mind sports, gambling addiction, Chess, Bridge, Go
The Causal Relationship Analysis among Leisure Engagement on Leisure Flow and Life Satisfaction of Members's Community Volleyball Club 생활체육 배구 동호인들의 여가열의, 여가몰입 및 생활만족의 인과관계 분석
56(2) 441-450, 2017
The Causal Relationship Analysis among Leisure Engagement on Leisure Flow and Life Satisfaction of Members's Community Volleyball Club 생활체육 배구 동호인들의 여가열의, 여가몰입 및 생활만족의 인과관계 분석
The purpose of this study was to clarify the structural relationships among leisure engagement, leisure flow and life satisfaction of the members's community volleyball club. This paper chose the members as population of this study who participate community volleyball club using convenience sampling. For the analysis of data, 278 questionnaires were used using SPSS 18.0 Windows. To examine respondents demographics traits, frequency analysis was processed and reliability analysis, and correlation analysis for relationship among the variables were conducted. Finally, simple regression and multiple regression analysis were made for the research hypotheses. The research results were as follows: First, among leisure engagement variables, efficacy flow and devotion had significant influence on leisure flow. Second, leisure flow had positive impact on life satisfaction. Third, among leisure engagement variables, efficacy vitality and devotion had significant influence on life satisfaction.
Key Words
배구동호인, 여가열의, 여가몰입, 생활만족, leisure engagement, leisure flow, life satisfaction, community volleyball club
An Analysis on Relationship among Resort Selection Attributes of Ski Resort, Leisure Satisfaction and Re-Visit Intention 스키리조트 이용자의 리조트선택속성이 여가만족 및 재방문 의사에 미치는 영향
이상호LeeSang-ho , 이병찬LeeByung-chan
56(2) 451-460, 2017
An Analysis on Relationship among Resort Selection Attributes of Ski Resort, Leisure Satisfaction and Re-Visit Intention 스키리조트 이용자의 리조트선택속성이 여가만족 및 재방문 의사에 미치는 영향
이상호LeeSang-ho , 이병찬LeeByung-chan
This research is intended to verify the relationship among resort selection attributes, leisure satisfaction and ski resort re-visit intention for exploring the role of ski resort as a leisure activity and promote visiting the ski resort. To achieve the goal, set up the research model and adopted frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis utilizing SPSS 22.0 programme. A total of 184 questionnaires were collected from ski resort visitors in Kang Won province, Korea. The results are as follows. First, facility of resort selection attribute effect on physical satisfaction of leisure satisfaction. Second, facility and environment of resort selection attribute effect on social satisfaction of leisure satisfaction. Third, facility and convenience of resort selection attribute effect on environmental satisfaction of leisure satisfaction. Fourth, physical satisfaction and social satisfaction of leisure satisfaction effect on resort re-visit intention.
The Development and Validation of a Dance Career Development Competency Inventory for Dance Majors: Viewpoint of the Social Cognitive Career Theory 무용전공자를 위한 진로개발역량 검사지 개발 및 타당화 검증 : 사회인지진로이론(SCCT)의 관점
김지영JiYoungKim , 박인실In-silPark , 임수진SuJinLim
56(2) 461-475, 2017
The Development and Validation of a Dance Career Development Competency Inventory for Dance Majors: Viewpoint of the Social Cognitive Career Theory 무용전공자를 위한 진로개발역량 검사지 개발 및 타당화 검증 : 사회인지진로이론(SCCT)의 관점
김지영JiYoungKim , 박인실In-silPark , 임수진SuJinLim
The purpose of this study is to develop a Dance Career Development Competency Inventory. In order to collect possible items for the inventory, preliminary items were retrieved from previous literatures and panel of experts. The retrieved items were screened through auditing with experts. The final items were reviewed in terms of content validity and the items were analyzed with the exploratory factor analysis. The whole process resulted in four factors with 49 items. Dance Career Development Competency Inventory consisted of self understanding(self concept 5items, career efficacy 4items, outcome expectation & motivation 4items), career exploration(dance career exploration 4items, understanding of dance occupation 4items, extension of alternative dance career 4items), career planning(life and career planning 4items, dual career paths 4items, learning design 4items), career behavior(rational career decision-making 4items, creative career behavior 4items, achievement level & durability 4items). This study discussed about the dynamic reality of a career intervention using the DCDCI which measures the competency of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral domains based on the SCCT of Lent, Brown, and Hackett(1994).
Key Words
무용진로, 진로개발역량, 진로개입, 사회인지진로이론, 무용진로검사지, dance career, career development competency, career intervention, social cognitive career theory, dance career inventory
Differences in School Violence Variables and Psychological Characteristics Based on Exercise Participation Levels among Middle School Students 무용전공 여대생의 완벽주의 성향과 자기구실과의 관계에서 자기결정적 동기의 매개효과
56(2) 477-491, 2017
Differences in School Violence Variables and Psychological Characteristics Based on Exercise Participation Levels among Middle School Students 무용전공 여대생의 완벽주의 성향과 자기구실과의 관계에서 자기결정적 동기의 매개효과
The purpose of present study were to investigate whether self-determined motivation regulation mediate the relationship between perfectionism traits and self-handicapping strategies in university dance settings, and also tested the structural invariance across dancing careers. A total of 403 undergraduate female students responded to the survey. Data were conducted via structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis. Structural equation modeling revealed that autonomous motivation fully mediated the relationship between pursuit of perfection and self-handicapping. Students’ controlled motivation emerged as a significant mediator of th relationship between negative response to imperfection and self-handicapping. Multi-group analysis indicated the significant group differences in direct paths. The findings suggest that motivation regulations are important factors in the relationship between perfectionism traits and self-handicapping strategies among university dance students.
A Conceptual Study on Dance Curation: A Creative Vision for the Specialization and Popularization of Dance Programming 무용큐레이션(Dance Curation)의 개념화 연구: 무용기획 전문화와 대중화를 향한 창의적 시선
김지영JiYoungKim , 한석진SeokJinHan
56(2) 493-505, 2017
A Conceptual Study on Dance Curation: A Creative Vision for the Specialization and Popularization of Dance Programming 무용큐레이션(Dance Curation)의 개념화 연구: 무용기획 전문화와 대중화를 향한 창의적 시선
김지영JiYoungKim , 한석진SeokJinHan
During the last ten years, dance curation became one of the key issues in contemporary arts, bringing about its creative practices and productive discourses. This research attempted to give a conceptual frame for dance curation, focused on recent dance curatorial practices in European and North American countries. Moreover, it articulated the role of dance curator, based on a curator certification system in Korea. It then suggested the contribution of dance curation to the dance field in Korea and the future need for cultivating dance curators. To sum up, first this research indicated that dance curation means a job of creatively selecting and critically arranging an optimal quality of dance contents in order to present them in not only theatres but also museums, galleries and other arts centers. Second, dance curation has emerged as part of dance archive exhibitions in art museums, but its practice has been expanded to examine the interrelationship between art and dance and reconsider curation as choreography. Third, in comparison with dance performance or festival programmer, the job of dance curator primarily requires a critical thinking skill and a creative act to not merely select and distribute dance practices, but produce new meanings, interpretations and discourses in dance.
The Effect of Flow Experience on Self-efficacy and Satisfaction Level at School among Dance Class Participants: A Case of Class in Culture and Art Education Support Projects 문화예술지원사업 내 무용수업 참여자들의 몰입경험이 자기효능감과 학교생활 만족도에 미치는 영향
임소라LimSoRa , 박지원ParkJiWon , 최상진ChoiSangJin
56(2) 507-516, 2017
The Effect of Flow Experience on Self-efficacy and Satisfaction Level at School among Dance Class Participants: A Case of Class in Culture and Art Education Support Projects 문화예술지원사업 내 무용수업 참여자들의 몰입경험이 자기효능감과 학교생활 만족도에 미치는 영향
임소라LimSoRa , 박지원ParkJiWon , 최상진ChoiSangJin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of flow experience on self-efficacy and satisfaction level at school among dance class participants of the class in culture and art education support project that was run by Korea Arts & Culture Education Service. To approve the effectiveness of the project, it would be important to see if the participants' flow had a positive effect on the self-efficacy and satisfaction level at school. 280 Questionnaires were distributed to the students who participated in culture and art support project in Jeollabuk-do Province, using convenience sampling of non-probability sampling method. Total of 251 questionnaires were used for the analysis by SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 23.0 after eliminating 29 bad and incomplete questionnaires. The result of analyses are as follows. Firstly, as a result of the effect of flow experience at dance class on self-efficacy significantly related. Secondly, as a result of the effect of self-efficacy at dance class on Satisfaction Level at School significantly related. Participating in the dance class of culture and art support project could take a role as a great opportunity to increase the self-efficacy and satisfaction level at school of middle and high school students. As this project could work as a driving force to let the students have exuberant imagination and creativity, it should be offered to the participants in various effective ways.
Key Words
무용수업, 몰입경험, 자기효능감, 학교생활만족도, dance class participants, flow experience, self-efficacy, satisfaction level at school among
The Effects of Tfam Expression by Endurance Exercise on AMPK, PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α in Mouse Skeletal Muscle 생쥐의 지구성 운동에 의한 Tfam 발현이 AMPK, PPARβ/δ 및 PGC-1α의 발현에 미치는 영향
고진호KohJin-ho , 김기진KimKi-jin
56(2) 517-526, 2017
The Effects of Tfam Expression by Endurance Exercise on AMPK, PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α in Mouse Skeletal Muscle 생쥐의 지구성 운동에 의한 Tfam 발현이 AMPK, PPARβ/δ 및 PGC-1α의 발현에 미치는 영향
고진호KohJin-ho , 김기진KimKi-jin
Tfam overexpression has been shown to increase mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function, but there is not clear how Tfam signals to the nucleus, and that a key factors associated with muscle adaptation are involved in Tfam overexpression by endurance exercise. The aim of this study was to identify the effects of Tfam expression by endurance exercise on AMPK, PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α that are associated with skeletal muscle adaptive response. Mice were subjected to forced swimming for 2 wk or Tfam was electroporated in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle. To identify PPARβ/δ effect on Tfam, PPARβ/δ was electroporated in PGC-1α knockout mouse muscle. Mice Swimming for 2 wk resulted in an increase Tfam, PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α in TA muscle. Tfam overexpression in mouse TA muscle resulted in an increase AMP:ATP ratio, AMPK phosphorylation, PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α expression. PPARβ/δ overexpression in PGC-1 α knockout muscle in mouse resulted in an increase Tfam expression. Our finding indicate that an increased Tfam expression by endurance exercise increases AMPK activation through controled AMP:ATP ratio that result in an increase PPARβ/δ and PGC-1α expression. These results indicate that Tfam can increase itself through AMPK-PPARβ/δ and/or PGC-1α axis.
Key Words
지구성 운동, Tfam, AMPK, PPARβ/δ, PGC-1α, endurance exercise
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Blood Testosterone, Sperm Motility and Catsper 1, 2 Expression of Testis in Male Rats 트레드밀 운동이 수컷 흰쥐의 혈중 testosterone, 정자의 운동성 및 고환 조직 CatSper 1, 2 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Blood Testosterone, Sperm Motility and Catsper 1, 2 Expression of Testis in Male Rats 트레드밀 운동이 수컷 흰쥐의 혈중 testosterone, 정자의 운동성 및 고환 조직 CatSper 1, 2 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
This study aims to identify effects of different intensities of regular aerobic exercise on blood testosterone, sperm motility and CatSper 1, 2 protein expression of testis in male rats. The subjects were randomly divided into four groups : control group(CON), low-intensity exercise group(LIE), moderate-intensity exercise group(MIE), and high-intensity exercise group(HIE). The exercise groups were trained progressively on a treadmill, five days per a week for 12 weeks following : ⅰ) low-intensity exercise(1-6 weeks : 8m/min for 30mins, 7-12 weeks : 10m/min for 30mins), ⅱ) moderate-intensity exercise(1-6 weeks : 12m/min for 30mins, 7-12 weeks : 14m/min for 30mins), ⅲ) high-intensity exercise(1-6 weeks : 20m/min for 30mins, 7-12 weeks : 22m/min for 30mins). Data analysis was done by computer using as SPSS 20.0 and on-way ANOVA; the results of this study are as follows : Blood testosterone level was significantly higer in MIE than CON. Also, sperm count and motility were significantly increased in MIE compared with CON. CatSper 1 protein expression of testis was significantly higher in MIE than CON, wherease CatSper 2 protein was significantly increased in MIE, LIE compared with CON. In conclusion, these results showed that regular aerobic exercise improve sperm function and CatSper protein expression. Considering the intensity of exercise, MIE is considered more efficient in the factors related to infertility than LIE, HIE.
The Effects of 12 Weeks Resistance Exercise Intensity on the Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Middle-Aged Women with Metabolic Syndrome 대사증후군 중년 여성의 12주간 저항운동시 운동강도에 따른 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
김정훈KimJung-hun , 이한준LeeHan-joon
56(2) 541-552, 2017
The Effects of 12 Weeks Resistance Exercise Intensity on the Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Middle-Aged Women with Metabolic Syndrome 대사증후군 중년 여성의 12주간 저항운동시 운동강도에 따른 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
김정훈KimJung-hun , 이한준LeeHan-joon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of resistance exercise intensity on the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women who suffer from metabolic syndrome. This study selected 80 middle-aged women who participated in exercise program at the Health Center of the National Health Insurance Corporation U City Branch Office and randomly assigned them into 4 groups, which are control group(n=12), low intensity resistance exercise group(n=12), moderate intensity resistance exercise group(n=12), and high intensity resistance exercise group(n=12). The exercise intensity of this study was conducted within at 40% of 1RM by the low intensity resistance exercise group, at 70% of 1RM by the moderate intensity resistance exercise group, and at 90% of 1RM by the high intensity resistance exercise group after measuring their 1RM. The program was designed to do resistance exercises 5 times a week for 12 weeks among the groups. The risk factors of metabolic syndrome (waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, TG, HDL-C) was measured before and after the resistance exercise. In terms of data, the mean and the standard deviation of each measurement item were calculated by using SPSS ver. 18.0, and the ANCOVA that used the value for the pre-test as a covariate was chosen because there was a difference among groups. Post-verification of LSD was conducted when there is a statistically significant difference. The level of significance was decided at α = .05. The conclusion obtained from this study indicated as follows. The risk variables of metabolic syndrome, waist circumference, diastolic pressure, blood glucose had an effect on resistance exercise. And the moderate intensity(70%1RM) resistance exercise was more effective than low intensity(40%1RM) and high intensity(90%1RM) resistance exercise.
Effects of 8 Weeks of Circuit Exercise Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness, Stress Index, and Atherogenic Index in Bus Drivers 8주간의 순환운동이 버스 운전기사의 신체구성, 체력, 스트레스 지표 및 동맥경화 지수에 미치는 영향
Effects of 8 Weeks of Circuit Exercise Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness, Stress Index, and Atherogenic Index in Bus Drivers 8주간의 순환운동이 버스 운전기사의 신체구성, 체력, 스트레스 지표 및 동맥경화 지수에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to examine the effects of 8 weeks of circuit exercise training on body composition, physical fitness, stress index, and atherogenic index in bus drivers. Twenty-nine middle-aged male bus drivers were randomly assigned to one of two groups, i.e. circuit exercise training group (EX: n=14) and control group (CON: n=15). Subjects in EX participated in circuit exercise training 30-40 min/session, 3 sessions/week for 8 weeks, whereas subjects in CON were asked to maintain their normal life pattern. The variable regarding body composition, physical fitness, stress index, and atherogenic index were measured and compared between two groups as well as between pre-test and post-test. Main results of the present study were as follows: 1) BMI, percent body fat, and fat mass decreased significantly in EX. Percent skeletal muscle increased significantly in EX. 2) Sit-up, sit-and-reach, standing on one leg with eyes closed, and VO2max increased significantly in EX. 3) PSS, CES-D, and KOSS decreased significantly in EX. 5) TC/HDL-C ratio, TG/HDL-C ratio, and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio decreased significantly in EX. It was concluded that 8 weeks of circuit exercise training would be beneficial for improvement of body composition, enhancement of physical fitness, stress relief, and prevention of atherosclerosis.
Key Words
순환운동, 버스 운전기사, 신체구성, 체력, 스트레스, 동맥경화 지수, circuit training, bus driver, body composition, physical fitness, stress, atherogenic index
Investigation of Perception of Coaches and Oriental Medical Doctors on Oriental Medicine and Doping of Elite Athletes 엘리트 운동선수의 한약 복용과 도핑에 대한 체육지도자와 한의사의 인식 조사
Investigation of Perception of Coaches and Oriental Medical Doctors on Oriental Medicine and Doping of Elite Athletes 엘리트 운동선수의 한약 복용과 도핑에 대한 체육지도자와 한의사의 인식 조사
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of coaches and oriental medical doctors on taking oriental medicine and doping of elite athletes. Main results obtained from 30 coaches and 43 oriental medical doctors by the survey and frequency analysis were as follows: 1) Coaches recognize that the athletes need to take oriental medicines(60%); however, they do not recommend to take the medicine because of concerns about doping and side effects. In addition, they perceive that oriental medicines are not safe from doping and the medicine contains doping-hazardous substances, while their understanding level on doping ingredients is low. 2) Oriental medical doctors prescribe oriental medicine for athletes to relieve pain, to enhance performance, and to recover fatigue and they are highly satisfied with the effects of prescribed oriental medicine. In addition, their awareness level on the relationship between oriental medicine and doping is high, but the perception level on safety of doping by taking oriental medicines is relatively low. In conclusion, it is necessary to educate the effects of oriental medicine more accurately and the safety of doping for coaches. It is also necessary to educate doping-hazardous substances for oriental medical doctors. For oriental medicine to be used as an ergogenic aids more widely in the future, it is suggested to improve the perception and expertise of coaches and oriental doctors about their effects and doping safety of oriental medicine.
The Study for Adipocytokine, Immune-Related Factors and Antioxidant Ability in Abdominal Obese Women by Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level and Aerobic Exercise Intensities 복부비만여성의 심폐지구력 수준과 유산소 운동강도에 따른 아디포싸이토카인과 면역관련인자 및 항산화능력에 관한 연구
김정우KimJung-woo , 조원제ChoWon-je
56(2) 577-590, 2017
The Study for Adipocytokine, Immune-Related Factors and Antioxidant Ability in Abdominal Obese Women by Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level and Aerobic Exercise Intensities 복부비만여성의 심폐지구력 수준과 유산소 운동강도에 따른 아디포싸이토카인과 면역관련인자 및 항산화능력에 관한 연구
김정우KimJung-woo , 조원제ChoWon-je
This study was conducted to observe the change of body composition, adipocytokine, immune related factors and antioxidant ability. The low intensity aerobic exercise and high intensity aerobic exercise was carried out for three times a week during twelve weeks. The participants were the abdominal obese women who classified by the cardiorespiratory fitness level. The participants were the abdominal obese women who have the over 85cm of waist measurement and they were divided into two group according to the middle VO2max, 33.3-35.2ml/kg/min, which were low cardiorespiratory fitness level group and high cardiorespiratory fitness level group. The participants of this study were 38. The repeated measure ANOVA was conducted to analyze the differences and interactions between groups and periods. In the case of any difference, t-test was conducted to perform post hoc test between pre and post treatment and the Scheffe was conducted to perform post hoc test between groups. As a result, high intensity aerobic exercise was effective on weight, % fat, waist measurement and adiponectin. However, there were no differences in tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interleukin-6(IL-6) according to the cardiorespiratory fitness level and exercise intensity. Also, higher Immunoglobulin M(IgM) showed high cardiorespiratory fitness level better than low cardiorespiratory fitness level. higher malondialdehyde(MDA) showed according to high intensity aerobic exercise in the high cardiorespiratory fitness level and the high intensity aerobic exercise was most effective for change of superoxide dismutase(SOD). Therefore, the cardiorespiratory fitness level should be considered when prescribing aerobic exercise intensity for abdominal obese women.
A Correlation Research between Fitness Improvement and Grit Scale of Cadets 15주간의 운동 프로그램으로 인한 사관생도의 체력 향상도와 투지(Grit) 수준 간 상관관계 연구
신승환ShinSeung-hwan , 이온LeeOn
56(2) 591-603, 2017
A Correlation Research between Fitness Improvement and Grit Scale of Cadets 15주간의 운동 프로그램으로 인한 사관생도의 체력 향상도와 투지(Grit) 수준 간 상관관계 연구
신승환ShinSeung-hwan , 이온LeeOn
The purpose of this research is to analyze 15 weeks exercise program’s improvement effect and correlation between improvement effect and Grit, which is highlighted, in these days, to measure personal achievement. 67(male 57, female 10) juniors are participated in program for anaerobic glycolysis improvement, and performed 45 exercise sessions(usually RPE 18~21). Results are as follows. First, male and female participants showed significant changes(p<.05) in body weight(kg), body fat(kg, %). Female, different with male, showed muscle mass reduction, was inferred from hard intensity. Second, male(p<.001) and female(p<.05) participants showed significant improvements from this program. Third, there is no relations between program’s improvement and Grit scale, but showed relations between programs improvement and perseverance, one of grit’s component(p<.05). This result gives new meaning in exercise physiology, perseverance of effort could affect in program’s effect to participant as a mediator. In this research, participants showed grit scale 3.72(male 3.80, female 3.67), which is higher than other domestic results and lower than US. military academy cadets. Female cadets’ low grit scale and negative relations between improvement and perseverance are needed to additional analyzation. More researches are needed to develop and apply grit education program.
The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of the Korean version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (K-IPAQ) by establishing the relationship between the level of physical activity (PA) measured by the K-IPAQ and the health-related variables using the 2010-2012 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data (n=12,943). Pearson correlation and logistic regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between PA and health-related variables (e.g., body mass index, waist circumference, systolic / diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol). SAS (v9.3) SURVEYMEANS and SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure were used for all analyzes to account the complex-sampling design in this study. Pearson correlation analysis showed no association between PA and health-related variables (|r|=.023-.076). In the logistic regression analysis, there is no relationship between PA, and obesity, hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Our results are contrary to the results of previous studies. This shows that the K-IPAQ might not be valid for measuring PA.
Key Words
한글판 국제신체활동설문, 타당도, 국민건강영양조사, Korean version of IPAQ, Validity, Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Analysis of Physical Activity and Sleep in Shift Workers and Non-shift Workers Using an Activity Tracker 액티비티 트래커를 활용한 교대근무자와 비교대근무자의 신체활동과 수면 분석
권영문KwonYoungmoon , 오수학OhSuhak
56(2) 617-638, 2017
Analysis of Physical Activity and Sleep in Shift Workers and Non-shift Workers Using an Activity Tracker 액티비티 트래커를 활용한 교대근무자와 비교대근무자의 신체활동과 수면 분석
권영문KwonYoungmoon , 오수학OhSuhak
The purpose of this study is to verify the relationship between the physical activities and sleep characteristics of shift workers in detail to improve their health problems. Seven days of physical activity and sleep were measured using a validated activity tracker for shift workers (nurses, police officers) and non-shift workers (secondary school teachers). The measurements were analyzed in comparison with various physical activities and sleep survey results for the same period, and the characteristics of the shift workers were examined by comparing them with those of the non-shift workers working in a general working environment. Shift workers were showing severe imbalance between physical activity and sleep due to their working schedule, and the sleep duration of the shift workers measured by the activity tracker showed that it is highly related to the workers’ physical activities. The typical sleeping factors, the average sleeping time and quality of sleep, didn’t show much difference between shift workers and non-shift workers, but the sleep regularity score showed distinguished difference. In order to solve the health problems of shift workers, it is necessary to modify schedule of shift-workers to reduce the imbalance between their physical activities and sleeps, develop an evaluation instrument to come up with proper physical activity and sleep for shift workers, and do constant research on various shift-work jobs.
Differences in School Violence Variables and Psychological Characteristics based on Exercise Participation Levels among Middle School Students 운동참여정도에 따른 중학생의 학교폭력변인과 심리특성 분석
홍예주HongYe-ju , 최수영ChoiSuyoung , 백운효BaekUn-hyo
56(2) 639-647, 2017
Differences in School Violence Variables and Psychological Characteristics based on Exercise Participation Levels among Middle School Students 운동참여정도에 따른 중학생의 학교폭력변인과 심리특성 분석
홍예주HongYe-ju , 최수영ChoiSuyoung , 백운효BaekUn-hyo
The impact of exercise participation levels on school violence variables and psychological characteristics are unclear in middle school students. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of exercise participation levels on school violence variables and psychological characteristics among middle school students. This study was based on data from the 5th Seoul education longitudinal study. Middle school students (N=3561) were separated into two groups (group 1, exercise participation time < 4 hours per week; group 2, exercise participation time ≧ 4 hours per week) based on exercise participation time. The results of this study are as follows. First, group 1 was significantly lower for school violence variables (victimization and bullying) than group 2. Second, when evaluating psychological characteristics including creativity, self-concept, resilience, self-control, and self-evaluation, group 2 was significantly higher than group 1. The findings of the study reveal the positive effect of exercise participation levels (exercise participation time ≧ 4 hours per week) in psychological characteristics in middle school students.
Key Words
중학생, 운동, 학교폭력, 심리특성, middle school students, exercise, school violence, psychological characteristics